Qualified Carpet and Rug Cleaners in Belvedere

Carpet Cleaning BelvedereLooking for local carpet and rug cleaning in Belvedere? In these tough economic times, it may seem like a luxury to hire professional cleaners for what appears to be a straightforward matter. But for just the price of a good vacuum, you can rest assured that the best care is being taken to provide you with cleaning that is safe for you and our environment. No one beats London Cleaning Team when it comes to combining service and value into a spectacular deal: Carpet and rug cleaning ranks among our proudest specialities, with fair and honest prices that you can believe in. Choose London Cleaning Team and choose the savings and value you deserve!

Upon your request, we will service your rug at home. However, we strongly recommend performing any deep cleaning services at our facility. We simply cannot employ the same thorough cleaning methods in your home that we can at our plant. Pick-up and drop-off are always free so cost is not an issue. Cleaning at our own facility prevents problems like colour running or fading. It also allows us the opportunity to find and rectify issues related to things that can wreak havoc on your investment.

Protect your investment with our specialist rug and carpet cleaning service. This is undertaken by skilled craftspeople with a wealth of experience using the latest advanced technologies so that your rugs and carpets in Belvedere will retain their natural feel with enhanced colours after cleaning. All rugs are sent away to our specialist sub-contractor in the London area to see if they can be cleaned successfully and for a quote to be provided. We then contact you to advise you of the cleaning price and to obtain your verbal permission to go ahead with processing.

We clean, repair and service a variety of hand-made rugs and carpets and we follow all the normal guidelines for their care. It always starts with deep dusting and vacuuming to remove more than 99% of any loose contaminants like dust mites, dirt and debris.

With this information, we are able to determine the proper steps to clean your carpet and rug. We then vacuum thoroughly, apply necessary pre-treatments to remove stains and then hand wash. If the rug or carpet is cleaned with dry foam, it is vacuumed again to remove the shampoo residue and the contaminants it attracts. They are then commercially dried using strict temperature controls that are appropriate for the fibres.

London Cleaning Team has been this town’s best household fabrics cleaner for years and years, and with our low competitive prices, there’s just no reason for you to deny yourself the quality and convenience that comes from hiring a professional. Call London Cleaning Team on 020 3746 2490 - your expert rug and carpet cleaners in Belvedere today to find out how we can provide you with a more healthy and beautiful home through the professional carpet and rug cleaning.

List of services we provide in DA17 Belvedere :